Accelerate the manufacturing industry towards net-zero emissions

Net Zero Industry

Net Zero Industry is a research and innovation program that works in broad collaboration for a climate-neutral manufacturing industry and product development.

The goal is to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint by 75%.

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Illustration med Texten Nytänkt, poddavsnitt om Net Zero Industry.

New Podcast Episode about Net Zero Industry

The Swedish manufacturing industry faces immense challenges: large, complex, and established industrial ecosystems need to adapt for net-zero emissions within the coming decade. What role does Net Zero Industry play […]

Kvinna som undersöker något i en industrilokal.

Develop your sustainable innovation

With the aim of promoting sustainable transformation in the manufacturing industry, Net Zero Industry and Impact Innovation are now offering opportunities for innovation projects that promote sustainability and efficient resource […]

Latest news

Current calls for applications

Call for strategic projects

Net Zero Industry is seeking stakeholders who can plan and execute the strategic project “Die Casting of Larger Structural Components.”

Welcome with your project proposal!

Call for applications regarding regulations and governance for a sustainable industry

Key areas

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Resource efficiency and resilience

Net Zero Industry exists to help accelerate the transition to circularity within the manufacturing sector by promoting recycling, reuse, and sustainable resource extraction. We also focus on increasing the industry’s resilience.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Net Zero Industry aims to be a unifying force for the entire manufacturing industry—from raw materials to recycling. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are central to the program, always focusing on the needs of the industry.

A program within Impact Innovation

Net Zero Industry is a part of Impact Innovation

Thursday, March 14th, 2024, marked the launch of the first five programs within Impact Innovation. This is an actor-driven and long-term effort aimed at enhancing global competitiveness through the transition to sustainable development. The funding authorities are Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas.

Read about the inauguration and listen to program manager Mats Lundin present Net Zero Industry

Why is an initiative like Impact Innovation needed?

The world is facing complex challenges that require us to think differently and act radically. We need to transform society as a whole in a short period of time — our cities, our welfare systems, our value chains, and consumption patterns.

Questions and answers about Impact Innovation